The Unique Difference between Sensuality and Sexuality!

Once upon a time sensuality and sexuality posed two different concepts. Whilst that still is so, many tend to confuse the two and be unable to tell the difference between what sexuality versus sensuality entails. Though connected in a way, sensuality and sexuality are completely distinguishable and individualized in their essence.
To help frame a better picture, here are the main similarities and differences between sexuality and sensuality.


Sexuality can oftentimes indicate a solely physical experience, one stimulated by arousal and chemistry. Whilst sensuality is also fuelled by chemistry and passion, it doesn’t get to the physical intimacy part. It lingers on and lets itself develop further. This teasing through sensuality can be quite more satisfying than the sexual aspect. Sexuality can follow sensuality and sensuality can be a part of sexuality. However, neither is interconnected, so you can have sensuality without sexuality and vice versa.


Both sexuality and sensuality are tools in creating the desired intimacy and tension. Sensuality keeps sexuality in a flow, whereas sexuality takes pleasure a step ahead of sensuality. The two combined can be a potent due, especially with the right person by your side. Timing, convenience, planning, and more aspects can affect the quality of sensuality and sexuality you show and give.

How to Make the Most of Both Sexuality and Sensuality?

Avoid being sexuality-oriented only. Typically, many forget that sensuality is due so proper sexuality can follow, and that’s a pity. Instead of overlooking sensuality, let it simmer for a while before it erupts into sexuality.
All about the senses. In both sexuality and sensuality, the senses play a key role. Taste, sound, visual impacts, and touch can be powerful aids in exploring first sensuality and then sexuality. Whatever scenario you may be going for, keep your senses aroused and your mood hot.

Be healthy. Both sensuality and sexuality require superb health, emotional, mental, and physical. To properly enjoy the merits of both concepts, you need to feel your best, look your best, and want the best for yourself.

Make it spiritual. Don’t let quality sensuality and sexuality go to waste. Don’t take the concepts for granted and do carry them out basically. The more fun you have with experimenting, the more you’ll get in touch with your needs.

Don’t overdo it. No matter if you are aiming for sensuality or sexuality, it’s never wise to do either in excess. Balance is the key when implementing both ideas, so take your time and enjoy yourself along the way.