So, you want to have hotter sex? What better time to do it than while in isolation, following the unfortunate coronavirus outbreak? If both you and your partner are healthy and ready for some action, there is no reason why you shouldn’t put your sex life on the table.
The creative side of sex is so much fun to explore, so if you are into doing something a bit different, here are the final 6 tips of sexy isolation sex scenario make your sex life thrive!
Sexy Isolation Sex Scenario: The Kivin Method!
The Kivin method is a very useful oral sex technique that lets you work from the side instead of from the front. Side licks are incredibly pleasurable to women and increase her chances for an orgasm, as she can clench and unclench her legs on her way there.
Exchange Masturbation Playlist!
This next trick is an easy one. Trade sexy playlists with your partner and listen to them when masturbating alone. Even better, you can masturbate in front of your partner while listening to their playlist and easing into the intimate sensation.
A Doctor’s Appointment View!
Yes, you have gone full frontal in front of your partner, but have you ever let them actually get in there all the way? The old gynecologist trick of having your legs wide spread in front of your partner is highly intimate and personal. And, as everyone loves a good visual, you will be doing your partner a favor by letting them touch, kiss, lick and tease wherever they want.
Sexy Isolation Sex Scenario: No Eye Contact!
The no-eye-contact game is easy to play when you and your partner just want to have sex. Leave love professions to the side, along with all the sweet-talking, and decide on no-eye-contact sex. The primal idea of having sex just for the kick and pleasure of it is a different kind of kink, and one worth exploring.
That Leg Trick
If you want to make missionary a bit more interesting and unfamiliar, lift your partner’s legs and shift them to the side as you penetrate them. This position is great when you want extra tightness in the vagina and gives you a new angle of penetrating.
A More Intense Oral
Try this new oral sex technique, where instead of opening your legs, you stretch them out. The position is also great for your partner, as it gives enough room to work the pelvis and look forward to a more shattering orgasm.
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